Now that Nestle and Google are best buds, the food company has released a new advertisment on YouTube spoofing Android-competitor Apple. In a similar style to what's found in Apple advertisements, Nestle uses a soft-spoken, hipster looking lad to depict a Kit Kat bar as a cell phone.

Christopher Catlin, "Chief Breaks Officer" at Kit Kat, describes the snack bar as the "future of confectionery". He goes on to say: "Every corner, every edge, every finger of every bar has been carefully considered and crafted to create a beautifully immersive and and multi-sensory experience." The words bring the Jonathan Ive like feel we're used to from Apple product demo videos. 

Mocking Apple has become a marketing move of many companies recently, with the most prominent being Samsung. Nestle's attempt looks to be a more humorous way of bringing some attention to its brand, rather than taking the route of comparing the features of iOS; it's a food company, after all. That hasn't stopped Nestle from branding its Facebook page and chocolate bars with the Android robot we've come to know and love. 

Interestingly, Google told the BBC there wasn't any money involved in the deal between the Android and Kit Kat brands. "This is not a money changing hands kind of deal," John Lagerling, director of Android global partnerships, said. Instead, it is to do something "fun and unexpected". Maybe that's what we're seeing with Nestle's "confectionery" spoof.