If you've noticed that Safari on your iPhone keeps crashing today, don't panic you aren't alone. A number of Safari users are reporting that they are having difficulty using the default browser. They say it is repeatedly crashing when launched for the first time. 

According to reports on the web, comments on Reddit and tweets from disgruntled Apple users, the widespread bug appears to affect iOS 9 and up, as well as Macs using the Safari browser. 

The good news is that it's not you but a problem with how the browser's built-in search engine suggests sites. It occurs when you use the URL address bar to search for things instead of going directly to Google or Bing.  

You can solve the problem of Safari crashing on your iPhone by simply turning off Safari Suggestions within the phones Settings app. Go to Settings > Safari > Safari Suggestions and toggle it to off. 

Alternatively, Google suggests you either go directly to Google.com or switch to its browser Chrome, which isn't affected.  

In a playful tweet that is clearly a dig at Apple, it said that people should just go to the company's website to search. 

The news comes as Apple announced that over one billion active users that have used either an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, Apple TV or Apple Watch in the past 90 days.

UPDATE: Apple says this issue is now fixed, and that if you are still experiencing problems to clear your Safari cache.