Samsung usually uses CES to announce updates to its appliances and TV ranges, but this year it introduced something more exciting: a range of robots!

The company is following in the footsteps of LG and others by revealing its first lineup of robots aimed at helping the elderly around the home and serving you in restaurants and shops.

Bots, bots, bots

There will be three bots in total, all with the ability to move around, and two of them designed specific for the home.

Unlike LG's approach which is to populate the world's airports and shopping centres with information robots or robots to carry your shopping, Samsung is taking a different tack, home caring.

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Bot Care

The Bot Care robot will offer at-home medical support and is essentially a health care assistant that's perfect for elderly or disabled users who need help taking medication and checking vitals.

It will move around the house from room to room, be able to monitor prescriptions, and check things like heart rate via a finger scan. It will also be able to detect whether you've fallen over and call for help if needed. And when it's not trying to save your life it will help you with some yoga classes.

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Bot Air

The Bot Air is a small rubbish bin sized robot with what appears to be a tray on its head and is designed for air quality monitoring and air purifying. It will run around your house making sure your house is clean. In a rather sinister animation its eyes turn from innocent white to a fiery red when it is cleaning. 

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Bot Retail

This tall upstanding robot, which looks like it'll compete with SoftBank Robotics Pepper at retail stores and will feature a large display on the front and a basic shelving system around the back allowing it to deliver food or other items on its back.

The idea is that it can give shoppers or dinners the chance to ask it questions before displaying the information you're after and in some instances further shopping advice on its display before presumably trundling off to get what you've ordered.

Gems exoskeletons

But that's not all: Samsung also introduced a Gems exoskeleton at the CES press conference. Gem is designed to help support human mobility, either to aid recovery from an accident or more interesting act as a resistance training tool for athletes. The exoskeleton systems, there are three in total, are all aimed at the lower part of your body: hips, knees, and ankles.

Pipe dreams or a reality?

At the moment this is very much early prototype stuff from Samsung, presumably to show it can be involved if it wants, but also to make sure competitors like LG, Pepper, and others don't get too far ahead in the robotics space.  

It's also probably why Samsung wasn't able to tell us when we'd see any of these products in stores and more importantly how much they would cost.

We will keep you posted.