If you've had enough of Uber, or perhaps you're taking a stand and want to delete your account for moral reasons, it's possible that you've found it a little tough to work out how to actually do that.

Like many other apps, it can take a bit of digging to work out how to delete your Uber account easily, so we've laid out some clear steps for you to follow to get it done.

How to delete your Uber account in the app

If you're on mobile and have the Uber account installed, follow these steps.

  1. Open your Uber app and sign in if you haven't already
  2. Tap the Account button at the bottom right of the app
  3. On this menu, tap Settings
  4. Next, tap on Privacy
  5. From here, tap Privacy Center
  6. Scroll down until you see Account Deletion and tap on it
  7. Confirm your login and follow the prompts to delete your account

This is the main part of the work done, and now the only thing left to do is to wait 30 days without accessing your account again - if this time passes, your account will be deleted.

How to delete your Uber account on the web

If you're using a web browser or you're on your laptop and you want to delete your Uber account, there's an easy shortcut - just click on this link to the Uber website.

Once you've signed into your account, this will kick off the process of deleting your account straight away, saving you the trouble of finding the right menus and sub-menus.

The same caveat applies to this method, though - once you've finished your part of it, you'll have to wait 30 days before the account is finally deleted.

Can I restore a deleted Uber account?

Once that timer is up and your account is deleted, you'll still be able to create a new Uber account, but it won't be able to use the same email address and phone number, which could be problematic if you don't want to find some new credentials, so it's worth making sure you're certain about your decision before taking the plunge.