Nike has teamed up with Microsoft and the Xbox 360 to create a new game that taps into the sports brand's Nike+ Fuel system, allowing gamers to lose weight while playing games.

The new game, due out later in the year, will use the Kinect sensor to monitor players as they exercise in front of the TV.

"Whatever your fitness goal, Nike+ Kinect Training will give you the tools to get you there. Through the magic of Kinect, the personal trainers within the experience can see how your body moves, assess your physical strengths and athleticism, identify areas for improvement, and create a personalized workout plan to help you achieve your personal best," says the two companies. "With real-time feedback to make sure positions and movements are correct, the Nike+ Kinect Training custom program evolves as you do, helping you get fitter, faster and stronger."

The video game begins by taking players through a series of physical tests, including stretching and push-ups, to make a fitness assessment.

The program then uses that data to create a personalised training regime.

"Through the magic of Kinect, the personal trainers within the experience can see how your body moves, assess your physical strengths and athleticism, identify areas for improvement, and create a personalized workout plan to help you achieve your personal best."

Activity is recorded and another evaluation made four weeks later to measure progress, much as a personal trainer would.

The game will also come with a Windows Phone app that will remind you of training sessions to complete in your living room. It is not clear whether that means Nike Plus will be coming to Windows Phone also.

This Kinect product will be fully integrated with the smartphone app, the Nike Fuelband and Nike Fuel.