Malibu is embracing NFC to make a limited number of its rum bottles connected, meaning you'll be able to tap to interact, rather than just swigging the whole thing down. 

The idea is to provide connectivity with your smartphone, so you can tap on the NFC tag and your phone will then open up a range of content for you to interact with, including the chance to win 7 nights in Barbados. 

Malibu says that this will be the largest test of NFC-equipped bottles, with 40,000 connected rum bottles hitting the shelves of 1600 Tesco stores over the next few months. 

While this is in many ways an experiment to see whether NFC bottles will work, it also presents the opportunity for customers to have plenty of fun.

malibu bottles get connected with nfc because summer image 2

There will be a range of experiences offered via the NFC tag, including the chance to instantly win UE Boom speakers. Tying into Malibu's "because summer" marketing campaign, you'll also be encouraged to upload summer pictures to enter that Barbados prize draw, you'll be able to access recipes for your Malibu, locate Malibu bars with a leaning toward alfresco drinking and get access to summer tunes too. 

NFC offers an advantage over other connected offerings, because the tag tells your phone exactly what to do. Getting the NFC tags onto the bottle was also something of a technical feat, passing the bottles through a heat tunnel to apply the tags.

If nothing else, it's a chance to drink rum and play with your phone and what's not to like about that?