Breakfast, a New York-based start-up, has created a rotating and interactive street sign that pulls content from sources such as Twitter and Foursquare. 

Called Points, it's a three-armed street sign that updates in real-time. The arms can rotate 360 degrees toward a new direction, serving up data for local transportation with arrival/depart times, nearby sporting events and relevant stats, among other things.

Points leverages APIs from Foursquare, Twitter, RSS feeds, transit stations and other online sources to provide social and directional information as it happens. Breakfast said this functionality makes Points "the most advanced sign on earth".

Aside from working as a space-age crosswalk sign, Points can function in a plethora of situations thanks to its interactive menu that continually refreshes options. The sign could double as a festival guide, for instance, helping to direct audiences to particular stages. 

Points must have a reliable internet connection to work, such as a hard-wired Ethernet connection, and it requires 500 watts of power. It's also not available for live-stream testing because Breakfast is presently focusing on development. The current roadmap includes making Points fully weatherproof with permanent installation capability. 

Check out the footage below of Points in Brooklyn. Breakfast said it captured everything on camera - and it applied no CG during production.