DHL says that it will be the first company in Europe to offer drone delivery, starting this Friday.

The drone delivery service will be used in Germany to make deliveries to its island Juist where 1,700 people live.

The quadcopter, or "parcelcopter" can fly up to 40 miles per hour and will be used to deliver medication and other urgently needed supplies. It weighs 5kg and can carry loads of up to 1.2kg. It is completely automated, but will be monitored from the ground on its 12km trip which should take between 15 minutes and half an hour.

The flight path of the copter has been cleared by the German Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure so nothing else will get in the way of the drone. The drone will not fly over any houses on its route.

Flights will begin on Friday and continue until the end of October as part of the initial trail by DHL.

Other companies testing drone delivery include Amazon and Google.  Amazon has begun testing its Prime Air Drones in India where the 25kg copter can carry up to 2.26kg at 50 miles per hour.

Concerns about drones include collisions, crashing on people and being hacked mid-air for theft. That's why these are still trials but one thing is clear, drone delivery is coming.

READ: Amazon to begin Prime Air Drone delivery testing, in India