Google has just made Android Pay a much viable mobile payment service by announcing you can now connect your PayPal account. By integrating with PayPal, it opens up Android Pay to a lot more UK banks and building societies than are currently available through the Android Pay system itself.

The number of banks and building societies supported in the UK is currently limited, although a lot of the big-name high-street banks are there, there are some omissions. Thankfully, the missing ones are supported by PayPal. Google of course says it's always working to collaborate with other banks and mobile banking apps, as well as retailers where Android Pay can be used.

Using PayPal with Android Pay will work in exactly the same way, simply tap on a card reader or payment terminal and authorise the payment if necessary. You don't need to unlock your phone to make the payment if it's less than £30, you just need to make sure the screen is on, but if it's over £30 you'll need to unlock your phone to tap and pay.

PayPal integration is only available in the US for now, and PayPal has told Pocket-lint: "Currently, the PayPal integration with Android Pay is only available for customers in the U.S. As we learn from the integration in the U.S., we hope to explore expanding this integration into other markets but we have nothing more to share at this time".

Android Pay recently added a few more banks to its supported list, including Bank of America, Bank of New Zealand, Discover, mBank and USAA.