Instant Checkmate is a background searching tool that allows people to look up information about others through public sources. For most people, the service is simple enough to understand and provides a great deal of information about the intended person.

Here we’ll be checking out Instant Checkmate to help people know whether Instant Checkmate is a reliable service and should they invest in this background checking service.

Before you learn about how Instant Checkmate works, here are some of the 4 best services that offer background check for free:

  • Instant Checkmate - User-friendly interface with active customer support.
  • TruthFinder - Collects data from reliable public records.
  • CocoFinder - Offers accurate results thanks to a detailed database.
  • Intelius - Provides even the smallest criminal records.

The Features of Instant Checkmate

Little information is required to make a search. Only having someone’s name, city or state can be enough to produce some records through the service. When a user searches Instant Checkmate, several records are presented. Each of these records can then be expanded for a thorough report. It’s common knowledge that what you can get through these background checking websites can be found online as the information is pulled from public records.

Moreover, this holds for Instant Checkmate too; however, the platform presents the information in an organized manner and provides a wide range of information about the intended person.

Here are a few of the familiar features offered by Instant Checkmate

Reverse Phone Lookup

If the user wants to search the intended person through a phone number, there is a reverse phone lookup feature. There, one can enter any phone number, and the search engine will provide all the Personal Information, Social Media Data, Online Activity, Photos, and More! However, this feature is buried deep inside the website and is hard to locate at first.

Criminal Records Check

The tool offers all the previous arrest records of the relevant person. It includes their convictions or any sort of traffic violations they have done in the past. The data is accurate as the service collects it from the public records, both nationally and statewide.

Email Check-Up and Personal Details

Instant Checkmate is accurate at a higher level. It offers all the personal and intimate information on the person you search for on the service. The data includes the individual’s Ethnicity/race, religion, political affiliation, and much more.

Additionally, the email lookup function provides a wealth of information on the related person. It doesn’t matter how old the email address is; the service will still bring accurate and fresh results.

Click Here to Check What Information Instant Checkmate Can Provide!

The Key Utilities of Instant Checkmate

There are several advantages offered by Instant Checkmate that make the platform stand out against the rest. We will discuss some of these utilities in the section of the overview. Moreover, we will share what are the low points of the service.


It is the part where the service disappoints. It’s not like it doesn’t work, but there’s massive room for improvement. The interface looks simple at first as there is a search bar for the user’s query similar to Google’s search bar. However, once a search has been made, several pop-ups follow soon after, not to help refine the results.

Extensive Database

Instant Checkmate enhances its database by collecting data from reliable public and private forums. Other forums that it takes assistance from are the social media sites, which offer a chest of confidential information on a user. Such sources ensure not a piece of single information on a person remains hidden. It allows someone like an employer to hire the right person on the spot.

Support and Security

Security is the place where Instant Checkmate doesn’t fall back. The payment data is safe behind 256-bit encryption, and the website is protected with Norton Symantec. It is necessary for a service such as Instant Checkmate to be secure and accurate as one lapse in security could disrupt the routine life of the person who is searching and the one who is being searched.

However, the reports themselves are not covered. As they come through public sources, it’s understandable to leave them as it is.

Instant Checkmate Official Website:

You can look into these background check platforms as well:

Where Instant Checkmate Falls behind?

In some places, the background checking service falls behind the competition. It can be improved further to provide a better experience. Some of these problems are:

Long Search Time

Instant Checkmate takes much time to bring in the results. This time increases even more because of the several pop-ups the user has to face while searching.

Instant Checkmate Pricing Plans

Instant Checkmate allows the user to pay for a monthly subscription. So people looking to do a single search or buy a single report will be at a loss here as the entire month’s subscription needs to be purchased first. However, once payment has been made, there is no limit on how many searches can be performed during one month.

Final Verdict

Instant Checkmate is similar to most other background check tools in many ways. However, the price is affordable, and the information has been reported by customers to be reasonably accurate. The data resource is impressive, but the pop-up ads and long wait times can be significantly improved. If those problems don’t bother you, Instant Checkmate is a great tool otherwise.