Betaworks-owned Digg is expanding beyond article curation with the launch of Digg Video, a new vertical on its website dedicated solely to video from around the web.

"We noticed we were getting really consistent clicks from video stories on the Digg homepage," Andrew McLaughlin, CEO of Digg, told Pocket-lint in an interview. "Digg Video is for the people really interested in them." 

Specifically, the new vertical comes after the video tag on Digg brought more traffic than any other. Digg Video is incorporated into the main Digg website at, and shows a featured video on top, followed by a scrolling two-column design with subsequent videos. McLaughlin revealed that they will be highlighting dozens of videos each day.

The company's iOS and Android apps - two huge traffic drivers for Digg - will be featuring the new video offerings shortly, as well. 

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On why it was best to break out Digg Video from the homepage, McLaughlin said: "Instead of just overloading the homepage with lots more videos and crowding out the written stuff, we thought the best thing to do was launch a separate tab/section. We hired someone to dig relentlessly into the world of videos to try to find the videos you might not see in your Twitter feed."

The Digg home page will still feature a couple of standout videos every day.

On launch day, the Digg Video vertical featured Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admitting to illicit activities, but also showed more lighthearted videos including "How To Eat A Scorpion" and "I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy".

When asked about the new Digg coming full-circle from what it used to be in 2006 when operated by Kevin Rose, McLaughlin indicated that the Betaworks staff is going for a different approach, while at the same time hitting goals when it comes to page views and engagement.

"The original Digg was built when it was the social site," McLaughlin said. "We've had this sense we would be foolhardy to make Digg what it used to be. The user would laugh at that, and rightly so. Instead, we're trying to pioneer a different model to bring more user interactions and more value on the site."

He highlighted that with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Hacker News and other social websites, there are a lot more places to consume news and interesting content from around the web. McLaughlin told us Digg is trying to evolve, and take a different approach to what's interesting in ways that fit 2013 and 2014.

As the web expands to focus on video and interactive content, a website dedicated to just that might do the trick.