We were looking to take a little load off after wandering the halls of CES 2012 when we chanced upon a yet to launch product from gaming chair specialist X Rocker. Normally associated with a way of getting surround sound, vibration and comfort fitted neatly into a seat for for console players to enjoy, this so far unnamed piece of furniture is something quite different.

The X Rocker Pocket Chair, as we'll call it for our convenience, has no sound nor wires to attach it to your telly. In fact, there's no need for batteries or any source of power at all. It's a material finish pseudo-arm chair stuffed to the gunnels with bean bag beans but packed so tight that you don't slip around on it at all. The real point of the thing though are the pockets, holders, zip closed compartments and disc slots that cover its outer surface. It's effectively an entire gaming cabinet with space for Guitar Hero/Rock Band instruments, games, controllers, headsets, liquid refreshment and just about anything you'd care to think of.

x rocker pocket chair pictures and bum on image 3

On the downside, it doesn't exactly look neat and tidy but then it's probably a lot neater and tidier than having its contents scattered all over your living space. So, it really looks like it's aimed at the student/early twentysomething. Gamers in a married or cohabiting couple need not apply.

As for the name, well, according to Michel P. Brechtel, vice president Sales & Marketing at Ace Bayou, the company behind X Rocker, they're running a bit of a competition for the public to come up with the most appropriate title before it arrives on the market some time in Q2. When it does turn up, you can expect to pay somewhere in the region of $100-125.

It's also worth noting that Mr Brechtel is a fairly big dude - we'd guess around 6'4" - so the chair is actually larger than it looks in the picture with him sitting on it.