Tinder, the dating app, asks users to swipe through pictures of potential dates to like or dislike. This takes time that programmer Joel Zhang doesn't have, so he created software to like everyone for him.

Once a person is liked on Tinder they're notified so they can either like back, and start chatting, or ignore the person. By liking everyone at once Zhang opened up the app so everyone who liked him was talking to him, saving time and feeling great being inundated with offers all at once.

Joel Zhang is a 19-year-old second-year software systems student at Simon Fraser University. He posted about the endeavour on Facebook explaining: "I got lazy manually liking everyone on Tinder so I coded a program to automatically do it for me. What am I doing with my life?"

While this software will likely help to land him a job when he graduates it's not helping too much on the dating front. “I’d say it’s kind of hard, but that’s mostly because I’m not the sort of person that likes to, you know, put myself out there," he said.

While Zhang hasn't used Tinder for a date yet his program probably stands him in good stead to land one. The like everyone technique is controversial, he claims, but as a numbers game he's playing the odds.

READ: Tinder dating app to soon verify celebrity users and let them bypass Facebook login