Well, that was fast. Just six months after opening to everyone in the US and UK, Rdio has decided to shut down Vdio.

Vdio is an on-demand, video streaming service by Rdio that unveiled in April 2013. The idea is similar to any such service: rather than pay a flat, monthly subscription fee for movies and TV shows via streaming services like Netflix, users simply pay to rent or buy a single download as often as they want.

However, Vdio, which was technically still in beta, didn't catch on quite like Netflix. It is ending because it was unable to "deliver a differentiated customer value proposition or a business model which is attractive to shareholders", according Rdio. That means it couldn't stand out from the competition nor carve itself a big enough niche audience.

Rdio confirmed it will refund movie and TV shows purchases to customers in the form of Amazon gift cards, and, as a result, that content will no longer be available on Vdio. As of 27 December, Rdio will stop accepting new Vdio transactions, and all Vdio-specific account information will no longer be accessible through the service.

READ:Rdio opens Vdio streaming service to everyone in US and UK

It looks as though Rdio also has closed the doors on Vdio because of its own financial struggles. As The Verge pointed out, Rdio recently laid off one-third of its employees. The company is failing to find ground in the music subscription space, especially with giants like Spotify offering beefier and cheaper (ie, free) streaming service options.