Many headlines have praised Grand Theft Auto V's ability to rake in more than $1 billion in sales within three days of its release - especially since it took 17 days for the film Avatar to make that much in cinemas - but now that the amazement has settled, many people are beginning to praise the game's breathtaking scenery.

Such people include a group of gamers on Flickr called Landscape Photographers of Los Santos and Blaine County. Los Santas and Blaine County are fictional locations created and designed for GTA V.

There's an app for GTA V called iFruit that allows gamers, such as the Landscape Photographers of Los Santos and Blaine County, to take screenshots of the game's landscape. The group, which boasts many professional photographers, has a strict policy: members cannot upload selfies or images of shooting, killing or those of a violent or sexual nature, meaning the images are all vista.

At first glance, many of the uploaded images look extremely lifelike. That's mostly because - without any zoom, aperture or exposure control in the game - the photographers are relying on their trained eye to grab a perfect screenshot.

Much of the credit still goes to the developers behind GTA V, of course, but it just goes to show how massive the game is and just how it is affecting gamers, and apparently photographers, from around the world.