Twitter has now made users' archives available to download, so you'll be able to go back and see exactly what you were saying when you first joined the service.

We reported that the option was going to made available after a small number of Twitter users had it switched on a couple of days ago. Twitter has now announced that it's rolling it out, starting with those who have their Twitter language set to English.

It's a staggered roll-out, so at the time of writing, some in the Pocket-lint office have the option and some don't.

Getting access to your Twitter archive is simple. You head to your page on, into settings and you'll find an option to download your archive.

This will log a request, your archive will be packaged up and you'll be emailed when it is ready to download. Then you simply click on the link to download the zip file.

Within this zip file you'll find your Twitter archive in various formats. Essentially, you want to click on the index.html file and this will open the archive in a browser window for you to explore.

It's neatly broken down into years and months, so you can navigate to a particular period of time and see what you were up to. From there you can reply to yourself or favourite a particularly memorable tweet. Oh, those were the days!

Of course, we at Pocket-lint don't like to hide anything from our readers, so here it is, the first tweet of this author. I'd like to state for the record that The Gaylord in question is a curry house in Weybridge.


I'm in the Gaylord. Took a few pints to ease me in, but I'm comfortable

— Chris Hall (@christhall) October 30, 2008


We're sure that many private users of Twitter will enjoy looking at the sort of nonsense they posted before Twitter really grew up (did it?), but for corporate users, this might be a useful way to finally get access to correspondence history or whatever.

We expect there to be a number of clever services that will make something out of your archive. If you like a regular blast from the past, then take a look at Timehop.

Timehop acts as a personal time capsule and will take you on a rampage of nostalgia, scouring your social networks to tell you what you were doing a year ago. There's an iPhone app available, or simply an email alternative if you're not on Apple's platform.