An Oyster card public transport travel game, called Chromaroma, has been launched, which hopes to transform the daily commute on the Tube from a somewhat hellish experience into a fun-packed joyride. 

Over the years there have been many potential solutions put forward in order to help long-suffering travellers on London's public transport - the majority of which usually consisted of more track, more trains and a general increase in in efficiency; little did we know that the true answer laid elsewhere.

The new multiplayer game from developers Mudlark works by showing your movements and location through your Oyster card's RFID chip, picking up more data the more you swipe it in order to gain access to buses, trains, and the new Boris bikes.

Every journey will give you points, and the more ways you travel and the more of the city you cover, the more chance you'll have of  "owning London".

It'll also offer the chance of connecting with other commuters you cross paths with regularly.

The developers describe Chromaroma as "location-based top-trumps", where you can "collect places, identities, modes of transport and passengers as you travel around the city; discover and investigate mysteries attached to different locations and build alliances with fellow passengers that share your journeys.


There are apparently a variety of benefits to be had by registering your Oyster card, such as prizes and Foursquare-esque accolades linked to various advertisers; however, this will no doubt mean you'll also be sharing your info with them.